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Kroger What A Deal Buy 5 Save 5 Mega Sale Full Inclusion List – Valid 3/2 – 3/15


what a del mega

Here's the full inclusion list for the What A Deal Buy 5 Save $5 Mega Sale that starts on Wednesday, 3/2 and runs through Tuesday 3/15.

With this sale you will instantly save $5 at checkout when you buy any 5 participating items. As always the prices listed are AFTER mega savings. You'll notice that not all of the prices are listed...I'll be adding them gradually today so keep checking back. This is a HUGE sale so it's a good thing that we have two weeks to shop!


Avent Nipples, $3.49

Avent Soothies, $2.89

Boost Kids Essential 4 pack $3.49

Gerber Cereal or Fruit Cereal, $2.49
-$1/1 Gerber® Cereal (8 oz. or larger)

Gerber Graduates Snacks, $1.99
-$1/3 Gerber® Graduates® Puffs, Lil' Crunchies® or Yogurt Melts™ Items

Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts, $1.49
-$1/3 Gerber® Graduates® Puffs, Lil' Crunchies® or Yogurt Melts™ Items

Gerber Juice, $1.89

Gerber Yogurt, $1.49

Gerber Powder Formula, select varieties $23.99

GoodNites, select varieties $7.99-$17.99
-$2/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants or Goodnites Product Printable [Jumbo Pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers, Pull-Ups Training Pants, or Goodnites Youth Pants, exp. 3/14/16 [Huggies 18-ct. to 180-ct.; Pull-Ups 18-ct. to 54-ct.; Goodnites 11-ct. to 33-ct.]
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants or Goodnites Product Printable [Jumbo Pack or larger]

Huggies Diapers, select varieties $7.49-$17.99
-$2.50/1 Huggies Little Snugglers, Little Movers or Overnites Diapers Jumbo Pack+, 02/28 SS (exp 3/26) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2.50/1 Huggies Diapers, 02/28 SS (exp 3/26) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers, Pull-Ups Training Pants, or Goodnites Youth Pants, exp. 3/14/16 [Huggies 18-ct. to 180-ct.; Pull-Ups 18-ct. to 54-ct.; Goodnites 11-ct. to 33-ct.]
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Pull-Ups Training Pants or Goodnites Product Printable [Jumbo Pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Little Snugglers or Little Movers Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Overnites Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers printable
-$1.50/1 Huggies Little Movers Diapers printable [Value may vary]
-$4/2 Huggies Pull-Ups Training printable
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers Printable [Jumbo Pack or larger]
-$0.50/1 Huggies Wipes printable [32-ct.+]
-$2/1 Huggies Pull-Ups Cool & Learn Training Pants printable
-$1.50/1 Huggies Little Movers Diapers printable [Offer value may vary]
-$1.50/1 HUGGIES Little Snugglers printable
-$1.50/1 Huggies Little Movers Diapers printable
-$3/2 Huggies Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers printable [Coupon value may vary]
-$1.50/1 Huggies Little Snugglers Diapers printable
-$1.50/1 Huggies Little Snugglers Diapers printable
-$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers printable

Huggies Overnites diapers, select varieties $17.99
-$2.50/1 Huggies Little Snugglers, Little Movers or Overnites Diapers Jumbo Pack+, 02/28 SS (exp 3/26) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2.50/1 Huggies Diapers, 02/28 SS (exp 3/26) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers, Pull-Ups Training Pants, or Goodnites Youth Pants, exp. 3/14/16 [Huggies 18-ct. to 180-ct.; Pull-Ups 18-ct. to 54-ct.; Goodnites 11-ct. to 33-ct.]
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Overnites Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers, 02/07 SS (exp 3/5) [Jumbo pack or larger]
-$2/1 Huggies Diapers Printable [Jumbo Pack or larger]
-$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers printable

Huggies Wipes, select varieties $4.99-$12.99
-$0.50/1 Huggies Wipes, 02/28 SS (exp 3/26) [56-ct.+]
-$0.50/1 Huggies Wipes printable [32-ct.+]
-$1/1 Huggies Wipes printable [300-ct.+]
-$0.50/1 Huggies Wipes Printable [56-ct.+]

Luvs diapers, select varieties, $5.99
-$1 off Luvs Diapers, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [(2) bags or (1) box; ETS]
-$0.75/1 Luvs Diapers Printable [ETS]
-$0.75/1 Luvs Diapers printable

Pampers diapers, select varieties $5.39-$8.49
-$3 off Pampers Diapers or Pants, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [(2) bags or (1) box; ETS]
-$2/1 Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants printable
-$3 off Pampers Cruisers printable [(2) bags or (1) box]
-$1/1 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers printable
-$1/1 Pampers Dry Diapers printable
-$1.50/1 Pampers Training Pants printable
-$1.50/1 Pampers Underjams printable
-$1/1 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable
-$1/1 Pampers Cruisers Diapers printable
-$1/1 Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants printable
-$1/1 Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants printable
-$1/1 Pampers UnderJams printable
-$1/1 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers printable
-$3/1 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers printable
-$3 off Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Printable [(2) bags or (1) box; ETS]
-$3 off Pampers Cruisers Diapers Printable [(2) bags or (1) box; ETS]
-$1.55/1 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers Printable

Pampers Wipes, $5.39
-$0.25/1 Pampers Wipes Printable [56-ct.+; ETS]

Pediasure Shake, 6 pack $9.99
-$3/2 Pediasure Products (Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$2/1 PediaSure® Nutritional Shake, (6 pack, 8 fl oz bottles) (Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$3/2 PediaSure Products Printable
-$3/2 PediaSure (Ibotta Deposit) [Select varieties only; 6-ct. pack of 8-oz. bottles or larger.]
-$3/2 PediaSure SideKicks (Ibotta Deposit) [Any Sidekicks variety; 6-ct. pack of 8-oz. bottles or larger]

Phillips Avent Classic Bottle 9 oz, $5.99

Phillips Avent Classic Bottles 2 pk

Similac Powder Formula, select varieties $24.49-$30.99


Blue Diamond Almond Breeze, Select Varieties, Half Gallon, $1.77
-$1/1 Blue Diamond Chilled Almond Breeze, 01/17 SS (exp 3/20) [64-oz.+]
-$0.50/1 Blue Diamond Chilled Almond Breeze, 01/17 SS (exp 3/20) [64-oz.+]
-$0.75/1 Blue Diamond Chilled Almond Breeze, 01/17 SS (exp 3/20) [64-oz.+]
-$1/2 Blue Diamond Chilled Almond Breeze, 01/17 SS (exp 3/20) [64-oz.+]
-$1/2 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almondmilk Shelf Stable printable [32-oz.+]
-$0.55/1  Almond Breeze Almondmilk Cashewmilk Blend

Bailey's Coffee Creamer, $1.99

Buitoni Pasta, $4.99

Cedar's Hommus, $1.49
-$0.55/1 Cedar's Hommus printable

Chobani Greek Yogurt, $2.99
-$1/3 Chobani Simply 100 Products Printable [5.3-oz. or 4.2-oz. cup]
-$1/3 Chobani Simply 100 printable

Cracker Barrel Natural Cheese, Sliced, $1.99

Daisy Cottage Cheese, $2.29
-$0.50/1 Daisy Brand Cottage Cheese printable
-$0.50/1 Daisy Cottage Cheese (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; 16-oz. or larger]
-$0.50/1 Daisy Brand Cottage Cheese printable

Daisy Sour Cream, $2.27
-$0.75/1 Daisy Squeeze Sour Cream, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$0.45/1 Daisy Squeeze Sour Cream printable

Dannon or Chobani Greek Yogurt, Select Varieties, 4 ct, $2.99 (12 ct $4.99)
-$1/1 Activia Fruit Fusion Printable [4-ct.+]
-$1/1 Dannon Activia Greek Yogurt printable

Dannon Danimals Yogurt Smoothies, $3.99

Dannon Danimals Yogurt Squeezables, $2.99
-$1/1 Dannon Danimals Sqeezables printable [4-pk.]

Dannon Greek Yogurt 32 oz, $4.39

Dannon Light & Fit Greek 4 pk
-$1 off (3) Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt Single Serve Cups or (1) Multipack or Quart, 02/21 SS (exp 3/31) [Mulitpack 4-pk]
-$1 off (3) Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt Single Serve Cups or (1) Multipack or Quart, 02/21 SS (exp 3/31) [Mulitpack 4-pk]

Frigo Cheese Heads String Cheese, $3.99
-$0.50/1 Frigo® Cheese Heads® Products
-$1/1 Frigo Cheese Heads Cheese and Meat Sticks (8-count or larger)

Greek Gods Yogurt, $2.79

Heluva Good Dips, $0.99

Heluva Good Greek Style Yogurt Dip, $0.99

Cozy Shack Pudding

Kraft American Singles 24 ct, $2.99

Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese, $2.99
-$0.75/1 KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese
-$0.55/1 Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese, exp. 6/30/16 (Tearpad)

Kraft Natural Cheese, Chunks, $1.77

Kraft Cheese, Select Varieties, 5 to 8 oz, $1.77

Kroger String Cheese, $2.29

Land O Lakes Butter

Land O Lakes Margarine Spread, Quarters

Minute Maid Fruit Drinks or Lemonade, $0.99

Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Brick

Sargento Shredded Cheese, Select Varieties, 5 to 8 oz, $1.77
-$0.40/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, 01/24 SS (exp 3/6)
-$0.50/2 Sargento Shredded Natural Cheese, 01/24 SS (exp 3/6)

Simply Potatoes
-$0.75/1 Simply Potatoes Mashed Potatoes, 02/21 SS (exp 4/3) [21-oz. to 24-oz.]

Smart Balance Spread

SunnyD Gallon, $1.79

Tofutti Cream Cheese or Sour Cream, $1.79

YoCrunch, $1.99
-$1 Off YoCrunch Large Multipack, Small Multipacks or Single Serve Cups, 02/07 SS (exp 4/8) [(1) 8-pk., 12-pk. or 18-pk. 6-oz.; (2) 4-pk. 4-oz.; or (4) 6-oz.]


Sabra Hummus, Select Varieties, 10 oz, In the Deli, $1.99


Agave Dream Ice Cream, $3.99

Armour Meatballs, $1.49 - $8.99

Atkins Frozen Entree or Burrito, $2.79
-BOGO Atkins Products (sign up)
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Product printable
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Entrees, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2) [Limit 1]
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Product, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Product printable

Ball Park Beef Patties, Frozen, Select Varieties, 16.2 oz, $5.99
-$1.50/1 Ball Park Flame Grilled Patties, Any Package (DND/T) (Limit One Coupon Per Purchase/Transaction) - 01-31-16 RP (exp 3/13/2016)
-$1/1 Ball Park Flame Grilled Patties, Any Package (DND/T) (Limit One Coupon Per Purchase/Transaction) - 01-31-16 RP (exp 3/13/2016)

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Select Varieties, 16 fl oz, $2.99
-$1/1 Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt (Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$1/1 Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt (SavingStar Deposit)
-$1/1 Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Or Frozen Yogurt, Any Pint (Limit 2 Like Coupons Per Shopping Trip; DND) Tearpad (exp 3/31/2016)
-$1/1 Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Or Frozen Yogurt, Any Pint (Limit 2 Like Coupons Per Shopping Trip; DND) Tearpad (exp 3/12/2016)

Bertolli Family Size Meals, $6.99

Birds Eye Steamfresh Vegetables 9.5 - 14.4 oz, $1.49 - $1.99

Birds EyeVoila Skillet Meal, Family Size, $5.99
-$1/1 Birds Eye® Voila! Item (Kroger Digital Coupon)

Blue Bunny Ice Cream, $2.99

Bon Appetit Pizza, Select Varieties, 12.16 to 15.4 oz, $3.99
-$0.75/1 BON APPETIT Pizza (Kroger Digital Coupon) [12.16-oz.+]
-$0.75/1 Bon Appetit Pizza, 02/07 SS (exp 4/17) [12.16-oz.+; DND]

Breyers Ice Cream or Dairy Dessert, Select Varieties, 48 fl oz, $2.99

CedarLane International Entree, $2.49

CedarLane Mexican Entree, $2.49

Chung's Egg or Spring Rolls, $2.49

Coolhaus Ice Cream Sandwiches, $2.49

Coolhaus Ice Cream, Pint, $3.99

Cooked Perfect Breakfast Bites, $4.99
-$1.50/1 Cooked Perfect Breakfast Bites Printable

Cooked Perfect Meatballs, $1.99 - $12.99
-$1.50/1 Cooked Perfect Meatballs, 01/31 SS (exp 3/20)

DeWafelbakers Pancakes, $1.99

Diana's Chocolate Covered Bananas, $2.99

DiGiorno Stuffed Crust Pizza, $5.99
-$5/$30 Nestle Frozen Food Products (SavingStar Deposit) [Includes Digiorno Pizza, Stouffer's, Nestle Toll House, Lean Cuisine, Lean Pockets, Hot Pockets, Nestle Frozen Snacks, Edy's, Drumstick, Outshine, Tombstone, Jack's, Skinny Cow or Purina Frosty Paws]

Dole Fruit 36 - 40 oz, $5.99
-$1/1 package of Dole Frozen Fruit
-$4/$12 Dole Frozen Fruit Products (SavingStar Deposit)

Dr. Oetker's Ristorante Pizza, $2.99

Enlightened Ice Cream Bars, 4 ct, $2.99

Evol Fruit, $5.99

Evol Bowls, $2.49
-$2/1 EVOL® frozen Multi-Serve Meal

Evol Breakfast Burritos, $0.99

Evol Classic Burritos, $0.99

Evol Street Tacos, $2.99
-$1/1 EVOL® frozen Single-Serve Meal, Street Tacos or Breakfast Sandwich

Farm Rich Appetizers, $3.99
-$1/1 Farm Rich Snack, 01/24 SS (exp 4/30) [15-oz.+]
-$1/1 Farm Rich Smokehouse Item, 01/24 SS (exp 5/31) [15-oz.+]
-$0.75/1 Farm Rich Products printable
-$1.50/2 Farm Rich Snacks printable

Foster Farm Corn Dogs, $4.99

Foster Farms Sausage & Pancake Wraps, $6.99
-$2/1 Foster Farms® Sausage and Pancake on a Stick (14 ct), any variety Kroger Digital Coupon

Freschetta Pizza, Select Varieties, 14.54 to 30.88 oz, $3.99
-$1.50/2 Freschetta Pizzas, 01/24 SS (exp 3/15) [14.5-oz.+]

Gardein Entree, $3.29

Good Food Made Simple, $2.99

Good Humor Novelty, $2.99

Gorton's Fish Fillets, $2.49
-$1/1 Gorton's Simply Bake or Gourmet Fillets printable
-$1/1 Gorton's Seafood Item printable

Gorton's Grilled Seafood, $4.99
-$1/1 Gorton's Shrimp Product
-$1/1 Gorton's Seafood Item printable

Gorton's Simply Baked, $5.99
-$1/1 Gorton's Simply Bake or Gourmet Fillets printable
-$1/1 Gorton's Seafood Item printable

Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream or Gelato 14 oz or 3 ct, $2.99 - $3.99

Healthy Choice Simply Cafe Steamers

Healthy Choice Smoothie Bars, $2.99

Herdez Mexicana Bowls, $2.49

Hot or Lean Pockets 12 ct, $9.99
-$5/$30 Nestle Frozen Food Products (SavingStar Deposit) [Includes Digiorno Pizza, Stouffer's, Nestle Toll House, Lean Cuisine, Lean Pockets, Hot Pockets, Nestle Frozen Snacks, Edy's, Drumstick, Outshine, Tombstone, Jack's, Skinny Cow or Purina Frosty Paws]

Hungry-Man Select Entree, $1.89 - $2.39

Jimmy Dean Pancakes & Sausage, $5.99
-$1/1 Jimmy Dean Fully Cooked Product printable

Jose Ole Taquitos or Snacks, $3.49
-$1/1 Jose Ole Taquitos or Snack Item
-$1/1 Jose Ole Snack, 01/31 SS (exp 3/31) [16-oz.+]
-B2G1 Jose Ole Burritos or Chimichangas, 01/31 SS (exp 3/15)
-$1/1 Jose Ole Taquitos printable

Kellogg's Eggo Breakfast Sandwiches, $4.49
-$1/1 Kellogg's Eggo Frozen Product printable [5.3-oz.+; requires reward points]

Kellogg's MorningStar Farms, $2.99
-$1/1 MorningStar Farms Veggie Foods Product printable [Requires reward points]

Kellogg's MorningStar Farms Breakfast Sandwiches, $4.49
-$1/1 MorningStar Farms Veggie Foods Product printable [Requires reward points]

Klondike Novelties, $2.49

Ling Ling Potstickers, $5.79

Louisa Pasta, $2.99

Luigi's Italian Ice, $1.49
-$0.50/1 Luigi's Real Italian Ice, No Exp. (Product Insert)

Luvo Entree, $1.79

Magnum or Good Humor Ice Cream Bars, $2.99

Marie Callender's Family Size Pot Pie, $6.99

Marie Callender's Pot Pie 4 pk, $6.99

Micheal Angelo Organic Entree, $3.49
-$1.50/2 Michael Angelo’s Single Serve Products (zip 30187)

Mom Made Foods, $3.99

Newman's Own Pizza, $4.99

Ocean Spray Craisins, $1.49

On-Cor Chicken, $2.49

Ore-Ida Potatoes, Frozen, 15 to 32 oz, Select Varieties, $1.99
-$1/2 Ore-Ida Frozen Potato Products, 2/14/16 RP (exp 4/14/16) [15-oz.+]

Popsicles Novelties, Large Pack, $2.49

Qrunch Burgers, $3.59

Red Baron Mini Deep Dish Pizza, $1.99 *eligible for Tony or Red Baron Catalina*
-$1/2 RED BARON® Pizzas (7.2 oz.or larger)
-$1/2 Red Baron Pizzas, Any 7.2 Oz. Or Larger (DND) - 01-31-16 SS

Red Baron Pizza, Singles, $1.99 *eligible for Tony or Red Baron Catalina*
-$1/2 RED BARON® Pizzas (7.2 oz.or larger)
-$1/2 Red Baron Pizzas, Any 7.2 Oz. Or Larger (DND) - 01-31-16 SS

Rhodes Microwave Cinnamon Rolls, $1.99
-$1/1 Rhodes Microwave Cinnamon Rolls, Any Package - 01-31-16 RP

Sandwich Bros. Flatbread $1.99
-$1/1 Sandwich Bros Printable [4-ct. or 6-ct.]
-$1/1 Sandwich Brothers Products printable
-$1.25/1 Sandwich Bros. Product (Mobisave Deposit)

Screaming Sicilian Pizza, $5.99
-$1/1 Screamin' Sicilian Pizza printable [Sign Up]

Skinny Cow Novelties, $3.99
-$5/$30 Nestle Frozen Food Products (SavingStar Deposit) [Includes Digiorno Pizza, Stouffer's, Nestle Toll House, Lean Cuisine, Lean Pockets, Hot Pockets, Nestle Frozen Snacks, Edy's, Drumstick, Outshine, Tombstone, Jack's, Skinny Cow or Purina Frosty Paws]

Special K Flatbread or Eggo Breakfast Sandwiches, $4.49

Start Healthy Muffins, $2.89

Steak-Umms Sandwich Steaks, $4.99

Stouffer's Party Size Entree, $11.39
-$1.50/1 Stouffer's Family, Large Family or Party Size Entree, 01/03 SS (exp 3/30) [25-oz. to 96-oz.]
-$5/$30 Nestle Frozen Food Products (SavingStar Deposit) [Includes Digiorno Pizza, Stouffer's, Nestle Toll House, Lean Cuisine, Lean Pockets, Hot Pockets, Nestle Frozen Snacks, Edy's, Drumstick, Outshine, Tombstone, Jack's, Skinny Cow or Purina Frosty Paws]

Superpretzel Soft Pretzels, $1.69
-$1/2 Superpretzel Soft Pretzel Products, 01/24 RP (exp 3/13)
-$2 off Budweiser Family & SUPERPRETZEL Combo (Ibotta Deposit) [Combo rebate]

Tony's Pizzeria Pizza, $1.99 *eligible for Tony or Red Baron Catalina*

Tres Pupusas Latin Foods, $4.99

Tyson Chicken, Frozen, Select Varieties, 19 to 28.05 oz, $5.99
-$1/1 Tyson Chicken Nuggets, exp. 4/10/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2) [Bag]
-$1.50/1 Tyson Whole Grain, Lightly Breaded, Ancient Grain or Gluten Free Product, 02/07 SS (exp 4/3) [Limit 1]
-$2.50/2 Tyson Any'Tizers Snacks or Chicken Strips, 01/17 SS (exp 3/13) [Limit 1]
-$2/2 Tyson Any'Tizers Snacks or Chicken Strips, 01/17 SS (exp 3/13) [Limit 1]
-$1/1 Tyson Grilled & Ready Frozen Product, exp. 3/6/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2 R) [Limit 1]
-$1/1 Tyson Nuggets Product printable
-$1.50/1 Tyson Any'tizers Boneless Chicken Wyngz (Ibotta Deposit) [Select varieties only; 25.5-oz. bag only]

Weight Watchers Novelties, $2.99
-$1/1 Weight Watchers Frozen Novelty, 01/24 RP (exp 4/30)
-$1/2 Weight Watchers Frozen Novelties printable

Wyman's Fruit, $9.49
-$1/1 Wyman's Fresh-Frozen Products printable

Yummy Chicken, $6.99


Apple & Eve Fruitables Juice
-$1/1 Apple & Eve Quenchers printable
-$1/2 Apple and Eve Bottles or Juice Pack printable

Aquafina Water 24 pk, 16.9 oz bottles, $3.49

Arnold or Brownberry Sandwich Thins, $2.49
-$0.55/1 Arnold Sandwich Thins Rolls Product, 02/07 SS (exp 5/31) [DND]
-$0.55/1 Arnold Sandwich Thins Rolls Product, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2 R) [DND]
-$0.55/1 Arnold Sliced Bread Product, 02/07 SS (exp 5/7) [DND]
-$0.55/1 Arnold Sliced Bread Product, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2 R) [DND]

Black Forest Organic Fruit Flavored Snacks, 24 ct, $4.99

Boboli Pizza Crust, $2.49
-$1.50/1 Boboli Pizza Product, 01/24 SS (exp 3/31)

Boboli Pizza Sauce, $1.79
-$1.50/1 Boboli Pizza Product, 01/24 SS (exp 3/31)

Cafe Bustelo Coffee, K-cups 12 ct, $5.99

Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup 4 pk, $2.79

Campbells' Pace or Prego Ready Meals, $1.49

Campbell's Slow Kettle Style Soup, $1.99

Campbell's Soup, Multipack
-$1.50/1 Campbell's Fresh-Brewed Soup Printable [6-ct.]
-$0.40/2 Campbell's Chunky Soups printable [any flavor]

Campbell's 100% Tomato Juice, $1.79

Cam's Kettle Cooked Chili Sauce, $2.99

Can Natur Maple Flavor Topping, $2.99

Cantina Tortilla Chips, $1.99

Cape Cod Popcorn, $1.99

Cape Cod Potato Chips, $1.99

Celestial Chai Bag Tea. $2.99

Celestial Sleepytime Tea, $2.99

Cheetos Oven-Baked, $1.99

Cheez-It Crackers, Select Varieties, 8 to 13.7 oz, $1.99
-$1/1 Sunshine Cheezit printable [7-oz.+; requires reward points]
-$1/2 Keebler Crackers and/or Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, Any 8oz.-16oz. (Limit Of 4 Like Coupons In Same Shopping Trip; No Cash Back) - 01-31-16 RP (exp 3/27/2016)

Chef Boyardee Pasta 4 pk cans, $2.99
-$0.50/1 Chef Boyardee Big Bowl, exp. 3/5/16 (SS 01/10/16 #2 R) [14-oz.+]

Chex Mix Snack Mix or Gardettos or Bugles, $1.79 - $2.69
-$0.50/2 General Mills Chex Mix, Chex Mix Muddy Buddies, Chex Mix Popped, Chex Mix Xtreme, Bugles Corn Snacks or Gardetto's Snack Mix, 01/31 SS (exp 3/26) [3.7-oz.+]

Chi Chi's Salsa 16 oz, $1.49

Chock Full o'Nuts Coffee, K-Cups
-$1/1 Chock Full O'Nuts Coffee, 01/24 SS (exp 3/30) [Any package]

Chris' & Pitt's Original BBQ Sauce

Classico Pasta Sauce, Select Varieties, 15 to 24 oz, $1.49

Classico Riserva Pasta Sauce, $3.99

Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7UP or Dr. Pepper, Select Varieties, 6 pk, 16.9 fl oz Bottles, $1.99

Core Power Protein Shake, 11.5 fl oz, $1.99

Crystal Light Mix, Canister, $1.59

Crystal Light Drink Mix, $2.49

Crystal Light Liquid, $2.49

Cybele's Gluten Free & Vegan Cookies, $2.99

Doritos, Select Varieties, 10.5 to 11.5 oz, $1.99

Duncan Hines Decadent Cake or Brownie Mix, $1.99

Dunkin' Donuts Coffee, Bag 11 - 12 oz, $5.99

Dentyne or Trident or Stride, $1.49

Entenmann's Little Bites Snacks, $2.49

Fleischmann's Simply Homemade Cornbread Mix, $0.99

Fleischmann's Simply Homemade Pretzel Creations Mix, $1.99

Fleischmann's Simply Homemade Bread Mix, $1.99

Folgers Coffee, K-Cups 12 ct, $5.99

Frank's RedHot or Wing Sauce, 23 oz, $3.49
-$0.35/1 Franks RedHot Sauce, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/10/16 #2 R)
-$0.75/1 Franks RedHot Slammin Siracha Chilli, Rajili Sweet Ginger or Sweet Chili Sauces, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/10/16 #2 R)
-$0.30/1 Frank's RedHot Sauce printable
-$0.50/1 Frank's RedHot Slammin' Sriracha Chili Sauce or Frank's RedHot Sweet Chili Sauce printable

Frito-Lay Baked Snacks

Frito-Lay Variety Pack Snacks, Select Varieties, 20 ct, $5.99

Gatorade 8 pk, 20 oz bottles

Gevalia Coffee, bag, $5.99

Gevalia Coffee, K-Cups 6 ct, $5.99

Gold Peak Tea, Select Varieties, 6 pk, 16.9 fl oz Bottles, $3.99

Green Mountain Coffee, K-Cups 10 ct, $5.99

Hawaiian Gold Coffee, $5.49

Herdez Salsa, $1.99

Heath Baking  Bits, $1.79

Hershey's or Reese's Baking Chips, $1.99

Hershey's Caramel or Chocolate Syrup, $1.39

Hershey's Drops, $1.69, or Minature Chocolate, $2.49

Hidden Valley Pasta Salad, $0.99

Hills Bros Cappuccino K-Cups 12 ct, $5.99
-$0.50/1 Hills Bros. Cappuccino, 01/24 SS (exp 3/31) [12-oz.+]
-$1/1 Hills Bros. Cappuccino Single Serve, 01/24 SS (exp 3/31)
-$0.55/1 Hills Bros. Cappuccino Printable [12-oz.+]
-$1/1 Hills Brothers Coffee printable

Honest Kids Juice, 59 oz or 8 pk, $2.49

Hormel Chili No Beans, $1.49
-$0.55/2 HORMEL Chili products
-$0.55/2 Hormel Chili Product, 01/24 SS (exp 3/21)
-$0.55/2 Hormel Chili Products printable

House-Autry Cocktail or Tatar Sauce, $0.99

House-Autry Hushpuppy Mix, $2.79

House-Autry Seafood Breader, $1.33

House-Autry Yellow Self-Rising Corn Meal, 2 lb, $0.83

Hungry Jack Pancake Mix, $1.49

Hungry Jack Syrup, $1.99

Jif Natural Peanut Butter, $2.99

Jif Peanut Butter 28 0z, $2.99

Jif Peanut Powder, $2.99

Jif To Go Peanut Butter, $1.49

Jif Whipped Peanut Butter Spreads, $1.99

Kam's Kettle Cooked Chili Sauce, $2.99

Kashi Cookies, $2.29

Kauai Coffee, K-Cups 12 ct, $4.99
-$1/1 Kauai Coffee Package, 02/28 SS (exp 4/30)

Kellogg's Fruit Snacks, 10 ct, $1.99

Kellogg’s, Select Varieties, 11 to 25 oz, $1.77
-$1/1 Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal (Kroger Digital Coupon) [9-oz.+]
-$1/1 Kellogg's Cereal printable [8.7-oz.+; requires reward points]
-$1/2 Rice Krispies Cereals printable
-$0.50/1 Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal printable
-$0.50/2 Special K Hot Cereals printable
-$0.50/1 Kellogg's Mini-Wheats Harvest Delights Cereal printable
-$0.50/1 Corn Pops printable
-$0.50/1 Kellogg's Krave Cereal printable
-$1/2 Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats printable
-$0.50/1 Kellogg's Special K Nourish Cereal printable
-$0.50/1 Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereals printable
-$1/2 Kellogg's Special K Cereals printable

Kellogg's Snack Or Special K Bars, $1.79 - $1.99
-$1/1 Kellogg's™ Special K™ Protein Meal Bars and/or Protein Shakes (4 ct. or Larger, Any Flavor)(Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$1/2 Special K Protein Shakes or Meal Bars printable

Ken’s Salad Dressing, Select Varieties, 16 fl oz, $1.49
-$1/1 Ken's Dressing (Mobisave Deposit) [16-oz.+]

King Arthur All-Purpose Flour, $2.99
-$0.55/1 King Arthur Flour (SavingStar Deposit) [5-lb. bag]

King Arthur White Whole Wheat Flour, $3.29
-$0.55/1 King Arthur Flour (SavingStar Deposit) [5-lb. bag]

Kozyshack Indulgent Pudding, $2.29

Kozyshack Original Pudding, $2.49

Kraft Mac & Cheese, 3 pk, $5.99

Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, Select Varieties, 22 to 30 fl oz, $2.49

Kraft Salad Dressing, $1.49
-$0.75/2 Kraft Classic Ranch Salad Dressing, 01/24 SS (exp 3/20) [16-oz.+]

Kraft Squeeze Mayo or Miracle Whip

Kraft Velveeta or Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese Dinners 3 pk

Krave Jerky, $4.49

Krema Natural Peanut Butter, $2.49

Kroger Coffee Whole Coffee Bean, $5.99

Lawhorn's Seasoning, $3.55

Lay's Potato Chips, $1.99

Lipton Tea 12 pk, 16.9 oz bottles

Mahatma Rice 2 lb, $1.19
-$0.50/1 Mahatma or Watermaid Rice, 01/31 RP (exp 4/30)

Maxwell House Coffee or Yuban, Select Varieties, 22 to 30.6 oz, $5.99
-$1/1 Maxwell House Coffee, 02/07 SS (exp 3/20)
-$2/2 Gevalia, Maxwell House Or McCafe Products, Any Size Canisters, Cans, Bagged or K-Cups (Not Redeemable In McDonald's Restaurants) Tearpad (exp 6/30/2016)

Mentos, $2

Mezzetta Olives, Select Varieties, $4.99

MI Elote! Hatch Chili Salsa, $2.49

Minute Maid 100% Juice, Variety Pack Juice Boxes, $2.49
-$1/1 Minute Maid Juice or Drink Box (10 pack)
-$0.75/1 Minute Maid 100% Juice Box (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; 10-ct. pack]

Minute Maid Orange Juice, Juice Boxes, $2.99
-$1/1 Minute Maid Juice or Drink Box (10 pack)
-$0.75/1 Minute Maid 100% Juice Box (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; 10-ct. pack]

MiO Water Enhancer, $2.49
-$1/1 MiO Original Liquid Water Enhancer (Mobisave Deposit)

Mission Burrito Sized Tortilla, 8 ct, $1.99

Mission Tortilla Chips, $0.89

Monster Energy Drinks, 4 pk, $5.99

Morton Garlic Salt, $1.46

Morton Fine Sea Salt, $1.29

Morton Iodized Sea Salt, $1.72

Morton Kosher Salt, $1.59

Morton Season-All Seasoned Salt, $1.19

Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup, $2.49

Mrs. Thinsters Cookies, $1.49
-$1/1 Mrs. Thinsters Cookie Thins printable

Nabisco Snack Crackers, 3.5 to 9.1 oz, or Ritz Crackers, 6 to 13.7 oz, Select Varieties, $1.77

Nabisco Snak-Saks, Select Varieties, 8 oz, $0.99

Nabisco Toasted Chips, $1.99

Nido Powdered Milk, $18.99
-$1.50/1 Nido Fortified Milk or Kinder, 01/03 SS (exp 3/31)

Nido Probiotics Powdered Milk, $13.99

Northland 100% Juice Cranblends, $1.97
-$1/1 Northland Juice printable [64-oz.]

Nutella Hazelnut Spread, 26.5 oz, $5.99
-$1.50/1 Nutella, 02/07 SS (exp 4/3) [13-oz.+ jar]
-$1.50/1 Nutella Hazelnut Spread printable [13-oz.]

O-Live Premium Olive Oil, $9.99

On The Border Original Salsa, $1.99

On The Border Tortilla Chips, $1.99

Orowheat, Brownberry or Arnold Sandwich Thins
-$0.55/1 Oroweat Sandwich Thins Rolls Products, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2) [DND]
-$0.55/1 Oroweat Sandwich Thins Rolls, 02/07 SS (exp 5/31) [DND]
-$0.55/1 Arnold Sandwich Thins Rolls Product, 02/07 SS (exp 5/31) [DND]
-$0.55/1 Arnold Sandwich Thins Rolls Product, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2 R) [DND]

Ortega Taco Kit, $1.99
-$0.50/2 Ortega Products, 01/24 SS (exp 3/31)
-$1/2 Ortega Products printable

Orville Poppycock, $2.49

Orville Redenbacher's Microwave Popcorn, $2.49 - $2.99
-$1.50/2 Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn Kernels or Oil, 01/17 SS (exp 3/20)
-$1/2 Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn, 01/17 SS (exp 3/20) [2-pk.+]

Pam Cooking Spray, $2.19

Pastifico Di Martino Pasta, $0.99

Pepperidge Farm Cheese Bread

Pepperidge Farm Cookies, Select Varieties, 5 to 8.6 oz, $1.99
-$1/1 Pepperidge Farm® Milano® Cookies

Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread, $2.49

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, Select Varieties, 6 to 8 oz, $0.99

Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain Bread, $2.49

Perrier Sparkling Water 6 pk 16.9 oz bottles, $3.99

Perrier Slim Cans 10pk, $4.99

Pioneer Biscuit or Baking Mix, $2.27

Planters NUTrition Mix, $4.99
-$1/2 Planters Products, 01/17 SS (exp 3/13) [6-oz.+; DND]

Planters Peanuts 16 oz, $2.99
-$1/2 Planters Products, 01/17 SS (exp 3/13) [6-oz.+; DND]

Planters Pistachios, $6.99
-$1/2 Planters Products, 01/17 SS (exp 3/13) [6-oz.+; DND]

Popchips Multipack, $4.69
-$1/2 Popchips, 01/24 SS (exp 3/31) [3-oz. to 6.25-oz.; DND]

Poppycock Gourmet Popcorn

Post Cereal, Select Varieties, 11 to 25 oz, $1.77 - $2.99
-$1/1 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Crunch, Almond Crunch O's or Honey Crunch O's Cereal, 02/07 SS (exp 4/2) [Limit 4]
-$1/1 Box Post HBO Chocolate cereal
-$0.75 /1 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Crunch O's cereal

Post Great Grains Granola, $1.99

Post Great Grains Bars, $1.99

Powerade or Powerade Zero, Select Varieties, 8 pk, 20 fl oz Bottles, $3.99

Powerful Yogurt Protein Drink, 12 oz, $0.99

Pringles, Snack Stack, Variety Pack, $5.99
-$1/4 Pringles Full Size Cans, Any 160g Or Larger (Includes Tortillas) (Excludes 100 Calorie & Trial/Travel Size) (Limit of 4 Like Coupons in Same Shopping Trip) (No Cash Back) - 01-31-16 RP

Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, $1.50

Quaker Super Grains Instant Hot Cereal, $3.59

Quaker Instant Gluten-Free or High Fiber or Organic Oatmeal , $2.59

Quaker Instant Lower Sugar Oatmeal, $1.69

Quaker Real Medley Snacks, $0.79

Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit Mix, $1.49

Reese’s or York Candy Miniatures, $1.69, Heath, Rolo's, Select Varieties, 11 to 12 oz Bag, $2.49
-$2/3 Hershey's Easter Hershey's Kisses, Reese's, Hershey's Miniatures, Hershey's Eggs, Cadbury, Jolly Rancher or Whoppers, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [8-oz.+]
-$1/3 Cadbury or Reese's Eggs Multipacks, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [4.8-oz.+]

Ronzoni Gluten Free Pasta, $1.19

Ruffles Potato Chips, Select Varieties, Family Size, 9 to 9.5 oz, $1.99

San Pellegrino Fruit Sparkling Water 6 pk, $3.99

Santa Cruz Organic Apple Juice, $5.99

Simply Homemade Muffin & Bread Mix Made for Greek Yogurt

Skinny Girl Popcorn, 10 Mini Bags

Smart Flour Pizza, $5.99

Smartwater, $5.99

Smucker's Concord Grape Jelly, $1.29 - $1.39, or Apple Jam, $1.29, or Strawberry Jam, $1.99

Smucker's Grape Squeeze, $1.44

Smucker's Marmalade, $2.19

Smucker's Natural Fruit Spread, $2.09

Smucker's Strawberry Spread, $1.49

Snapple 6 pk 16 oz bottles, $4.49

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzel Poppers, $1.99
-$1/2 Snyder's of Hanover printable [8-oz.+]

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels, $1.99
-$1/2 Snyder's of Hanover printable [8-oz.+]

Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels, Box, $1.99
-$1/2 Snyder's of Hanover printable [8-oz.+]

Snyder's of Hanover Tortillas
-$1/2 Snyder's of Hanover printable [8-oz.+]

Spice Island Spices or Extracts, $2.99 -$7.99

Star Balsamic Vinegar, $1.99
-$0.50/1 Star Vinegars printable
-$0.50/1 Star Vinegar printable

Starbucks Coffee, 11 to 12 oz Bag, or Starbucks K-Cups, 6 to 10 ct, Select Varieties, $5.99
-$2/2 Starbucks K-Cup Pods, 02/21 SS (exp 4/30) [Limit 1]

Starbucks Frappuccino, Iced Coffee or Double Shot Drinks, $4.99

Starbucks Via Instant Refreshers or Coffee, $5.99

Stur Liquid Water Enhancer, $1.99
-$1/1 Stur Liquid Water Enhancer, 02/22 SS (exp 5/15) [1.42-oz.]

Sweet Home Granola
-$1/1 Sweet Home Farm Granola printable

Sweet Tarts Chewy Sours, 11 oz, $2.49

Tostitos Oven-Baked Scoops, $1.99

Tostitos Salsa, $1.99

Tradewinds Tea, 128 oz, $2.29

TruRoots Organic Sprouted Green Lentils, $2.99
-$1/1 truRoots Organic Ancient Grains (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; Any size]

TruRoots Organic Sprouted Quinoa, $3.49
-$1/1 truRoots Organic Ancient Grains (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; Any size]

Truvia Spoonable Sweetener, $4.77
-$1.50/1 Truvia Natural Sweetener (Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$1.50/1 Truvia Natural Sweetener, Baking Blend Or Brown Sugar Blend, Any Package (Excludes 7-Ct.) - 01-03-16 RP

Truvia Sweetener 80 ct, $5.07
-$1.50/1 Truvia Natural Sweetener (Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$1.50/1 Truvia Natural Sweetener, Baking Blend Or Brown Sugar Blend, Any Package (Excludes 7-Ct.) - 01-03-16 RP

Uncle Sam Cereal, $1.88
-$1/1 Uncle Sam Cereal printable
-$0.50 Uncle Sam Cereal Ibotta Offer
-$1 Uncle Sam Cereal Berry Cart Offer

V8 V-Fusion or Vegetable Blends Juice 46 oz, $1.79 or V-Fusion or Original 6 pk, $3.99 or Low Sodium 6 pk $2.39, or Spicy Hot, $3.69
-$1/1 V8 100% Veggie Blends
-$1/1 Campbell's V8 V-Fusion + Energy printable [8-oz. 6-pk.]

Valley Fresh Natural White Chicken Cuts, $1.79

Velvetta Shells & Cheese, 3 pk, $5.99

Velveeta Cheesy Skillets, $1.49

Village Harvest Quinoa, $3.99

Vitaminwater 6 pk, $3.99

Way Better Tortilla Chips, $1.49

Wesson Canola Corn Vegetable, $2.19 or Best Blend Oil, or Canola Oil, $2.49

West rock Coffee, Bag, $4.99

Westrock Coffee, K-Cups 12 ct, $4.99


Act Mouth Rinse, Kids, $2.99
-$1/1 Act Product, 1/31/16 RP (exp 3/19/16) [ETS; DND]
-$1/1 Act Adult Mouthwash, 02/28 RP (exp 4/30) [ETS]
-$1/1 Act Product Printable

Align Probiotic Supplement, $27.99
-$2/1 Align Product
-$2/1 Align printable

Always Pads 24 - 36 ct or Tampax Tampons 32 ct, $4.49 +
-$3/1 Always Discreet Underwear, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$3/1 Always Discreet Liner or Pad, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Always Radiant or Infinity Pads, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [12-ct.+; ETS]
-$0.50/1 Always Pantiliner, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [30-ct.+; Excludes discreet and trial sizes]
-$1.50/2 Always Ultra or Maxi Pads, Feminine Wipes or Liners, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [12-ct.+ pads; 30-ct.+ wipes/liners; Excludes discreet and trial sizes]
-$0.50/1 Always Pantiliner printable [30-ct.+]
-$0.50/1 Always Liners Printable [30-ct.+; ETS]
-$0.50/1 Always Pad printable
-$1.50/2 Always Pads printable
-$1.50/2 Always Pads or Liners Printable [30-ct.+]
-$0.50/1 Always Pads Printable [12-ct.+]
-$0.50/1 Tampax Cardboard Tampons, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [16-ct.+; ETS]
-$0.75/1 Tampax Radiant Tampon Printable [16-ct.+; ETS]
-$1/1 Tampax Pearl Product Printable [18-ct.+; ETS]
-$2.50/2 Tampax Pearl Product Printable [18-ct.+; ETS]
-$0.75/1 Tampax Radiant Tampons printable

Atkins Edulge Bars, $4.99
-BOGO Atkins Products (sign up)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake or Treat, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Product, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake & Treat printable
-$1/1 Atkins Bars, Treats or Shakes, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2) [Limit 1]

Atkins Harvest Trail, $5
-BOGO Atkins Products (sign up)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake or Treat, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Product, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake & Treat printable
-$1/1 Atkins Bars, Treats or Shakes, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2) [Limit 1]

Atkins Ready-To-Drink Shakes, $5
-BOGO Atkins Products (sign up)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake or Treat, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Product, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake & Treat printable
-$1/1 Atkins Bars, Treats or Shakes, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2) [Limit 1]

Atkins Snack or Caramel Bars, $4.99 - $5
-BOGO Atkins Products (sign up)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake or Treat, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Frozen Product, 02/28 SS (exp 5/31)
-$1/1 Atkins Bar, Shake & Treat printable
-$1/1 Atkins Bars, Treats or Shakes, exp. 3/31/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2) [Limit 1]

Aveeno Bath Lotion
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Dry Body Lotion
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Eczema Body Lotion, $9.99
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Firming Body Lotion, $5.99
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Intensive Relief Hand Cream, $5.99
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Lotion, $4.99 - $8.49
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Shampoo or Conditioner, $4.49
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash, $4.99
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Aveeno Stress Relief Foaming Bath, 10 oz., $4.99
-$1/1 Aveeno Product, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes cleansing bars, moisturizing bars, trial sizes and 2.5-oz. lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$2/2 Aveeno Products printable [Excludes cleansing bars, trial sizes and 2.5 oz. body lotion sizes]
-$1/1 Aveeno Product (SS 01/10/16) [Excludes Cleansing Bars, Moisturizing Bars, trial and 2.5-oz. Body Lotion; Limit 4]

Axe Body Spray or Deodorant Sticks, $2.99
-$0.50/1 AXE Deodorant Stick, Antiperspirant or Daily Fragrance Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

Axe or Dove Dry Spray Deodorant 3.8 oz, $3.99

Axe Hair Styler, $5.99
-$2/1 AXE Hair Care Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

Axe Shampoo or Conditioner, $2.99
-$2/1 AXE Hair Care Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

Axe Shower Gel 12 - 18 oz, $2.99

Calgon Body Wash, 16 oz, $2.99
-$1/1 Calgon Body Mist, Body Cream, Body Wash, Bath Bead, Bubble Bath or Epson Salt, 01/31 SS (exp 1/31)
-$1/1 Calgon Bath and Body Product printable

Calgon Body Mist
-$1/1 Calgon Body Mist, Body Cream, Body Wash, Bath Bead, Bubble Bath or Epson Salt, 01/31 SS (exp 1/31)
-$1/1 Calgon Bath and Body Product printable

Calgon Body Mist Sampler
-$1/1 Calgon Body Mist, Body Cream, Body Wash, Bath Bead, Bubble Bath or Epson Salt, 01/31 SS (exp 1/31)
-$1/1 Calgon Bath and Body Product printable

Carefree Pantiliners
-$0.50/1 Carefree Product printable

Caress Bar Soap 6 pk, $3.99
-$0.75/1 Caress Bar or Body Wash Product (SavingStar Deposit) [6-ct.+ bars; 12-oz.+ body wash; Excludes trial and travel sizes]

Caress Body Wash, $1.99
-$0.75/1 Caress Bar or Body Wash Product (SavingStar Deposit) [6-ct.+ bars; 12-oz.+ body wash; Excludes trial and travel sizes]

Colgate Enamel Health, $2.79
-$2/1 Colgate Total, Optic White, Enamel Health or Sensitive SmartWhite Toothpaste Printable [3-oz.+]
-$2/1 Colgate Optic White High Impact, Total Daily Repair, Enamel Health Mineral Repair and Sensitive Smart White Toothpaste, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [Limit 4]
-$0.75/1 Colgate Enamel Health Toothpaste printable [3-oz.+]
-$0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [3-oz.+; Limit 4]

Colgate Kids Mouthwash, $2.99
-$0.50/1 Colgate Kids Mouthwash printable [250-ml+]
-$0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable [480-ml+]

Colgate Kids Power Toothbrush, $3.99
-$0.50/1 Colgate Kids Toothbrush printable

Colgate Optic Express Toothpaste, $2.79 - $2.99
-$0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [3-oz.+; Limit 4]

Colgate Mouthwash, $1.99 - $4.99
-$0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable [480-ml+]

Colgate Optic White Platinum Toothbrush,
-$1.50/1 Colgate Optic White Toothbrush + Whitening Pen or Colgate Sensitive Toothbrush + Sensitivity Relief Pen printable

Colgate Optic White Toothpaste, $1.99 - $3.99
-$0.75/1 Colgate Optic White Toothpaste printable [3-oz.+]

Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste, 5.8 oz, or Colgate Optic White 360 Toothbrush, 1 ct, Select Varieties, $1.99
-$2/1 Colgate Total, Optic White, Enamel Health or Sensitive SmartWhite Toothpaste Printable [3-oz.+]
-$2/1 Colgate Optic White High Impact, Total Daily Repair, Enamel Health Mineral Repair and Sensitive Smart White Toothpaste, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [Limit 4]
-$1/1 Colgate 360 or Slim Soft Manual Toothbrush, 02/21 SS (exp 3/12) [Excludes plus, total action, extra clean and classic clean; Limit 4]
-$0.50/1 Colgate Total, Colgate Optic White, Colgate Enamel Health, Colgate Max Fresh, or Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, Any 3.0 Oz or Larger (No More Than 4 Identical Coupons For The Same Product In The Same Day) Tearpad (exp 3/28/2016)
-$0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [3-oz.+; Limit 4]

Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste, $2.99
-$0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [3-oz.+; Limit 4]

Colgate Total Toothpaste, $1.99
-$0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste, 02/21 SS (exp 3/5) [3-oz.+; Limit 4]

Colgate Total Rinse, $1.99 - $3.49
-$0.75/1 Colgate Mouthwash or Mouth Rinse printable [480-ml+]

Crest Complete Toothpaste, $1.99
-$0.50/1 Crest Complete Paste Printable [4-oz.+; ETS]
-$0.50/1 Crest Toothpaste, Liquid Gel or Kids Toothpaste, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [3-oz.+; Excludes cavity, baking soda and tartar control and trial sizes]
-$0.50/1 Crest Complete Toothpaste printable [4-oz.+]
-$0.50/1 Crest Complete Toothpaste printable [4-oz.+]

Crest Pro-Health Advanced Rinse, 1 Liter, $4.99
-$1/1 Crest Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwash Printable [237-ml.+; ETS]
-$2/2 Crest Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwashes Printable [237-ml.+; ETS]
-$2/2 Crest Pro-Health Mouthwashes Printable [237-ml.+; ETS]
-$1/1 Crest Mouthwash, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [237-ml.+; ETS]
-$0.75/1 Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash printable
-$2/2 Crest Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwashes printable
-$1/1 Crest Prohealth Advanced Mouthwash printable
-$5/$20 3D White or Pro-Health, Crest and Oral-B Products Includes: Toothpaste, Manual Toothbrushes, Floss and Mouthwash (SavingStar Deposit) [Excludes Kids and Juniors Products]

Crest Pro-Health Paste
-$0.75/1 Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste Printable [4-oz.+; ETS]
-$0.50/1 Crest Toothpaste, Liquid Gel or Kids Toothpaste, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [3-oz.+; Excludes cavity, baking soda and tartar control and trial sizes
-$0.75/1 Crest Pro-Health Stages or Crest Kids Toothpaste printable [4.2-oz.+]
-$0.75/1 Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste printable [4-oz.+]
-$5/$20 3D White or Pro-Health, Crest and Oral-B Products Includes: Toothpaste, Manual Toothbrushes, Floss and Mouthwash (SavingStar Deposit) [Excludes Kids and Juniors Products]

Degree Deodorant, Select Varieties, 2.6 to 3 oz, $2.99
-$1.50/1 Degree Women Motionsense Invisible Solid, Ultra Clear, Dry Spray or Clinical Protection, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [ETS]
-$1/1 Degree Men Product, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [ETS]

Dial Body Wash, Pump $4.99
-$1/1 Dial, Dial For Kids, Dial Baby, Dial Acne, Dial For Men or Tone Body Wash; Dial Advanced or Bar Soap; or Dial or Dial For Men Lotion, exp. 3/5/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2) [12-oz.+ body wash or lotion; 6-ct.+ bars]
-$1/2 Dial Complete, Dial Kids or Tone Foaming Hand Wash; Dial Complete or Dial Refills; Dial, Dial For Men or Tone Bar; Dial Advanced Bar; or Dial Acne Products, exp. 3/5/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2) [7.5-oz.+ hand wash; 3-ct.+ bars, 2-ct.+ advanced bars]

Dove Bar Soap 4 bar, $3.49
-$1/1 Dial, Dial For Kids, Dial Baby, Dial Acne, Dial For Men or Tone Body Wash; Dial Advanced or Bar Soap; or Dial or Dial For Men Lotion, exp. 3/5/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2) [12-oz.+ body wash or lotion; 6-ct.+ bars]
-$1/2 Dial Complete, Dial Kids or Tone Foaming Hand Wash; Dial Complete or Dial Refills; Dial, Dial For Men or Tone Bar; Dial Advanced Bar; or Dial Acne Products, exp. 3/5/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2) [7.5-oz.+ hand wash; 3-ct.+ bars, 2-ct.+ advanced bars]

Dove Body Wash, $4.49
-$1/1 Dove Body Wash, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [22-oz.+; Excludes trial size and M+C]
-$1/1 Dove Body Wash (SavingStar Deposit) [13.5-oz.+; Excludes Dove Men+Care and trial and travel sizes]

Dove Deodorant, Select Varieties, 2.6 to 3 oz, $2.99 - $3.99
-$1.50/1 Dove Advanced Care or Clinical Protection Antiperspirant Deodorant, 02/07 RP (exp 3/6) [ETS]

Dove Hair Styler, $2.49
-$3/2 Dove Hair Products, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [Excludes trial size and M+C]
-$1/1 Dove Nutritive Solutions Shampoo (Ibotta Deposit) [Select varieties; 12 or 25.4-oz. bottle only]
-$3/2 Dove Women Hair Products (SavingStar Deposit) [Excludes Dove Men+Care and trial and travel sizes]

Dove Men’s Body Wash, $2.99
-$1/1 Dove Men+Care Body Wash, Bar, or Active Clean Shower Tool (SavingStar Deposit) [13.5-oz.+ body wash; 6-ct.+ bars; ETS]
-$1/1 Dove Body Wash, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [22-oz.+; Excludes trial size and M+C]

Dove Men’s Face Wash, $2.49

Dove Shampoo or Conditioner, $2.49 - $3.49
-$3/2 Dove Hair Products, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [Excludes trial size and M+C]
-$2/1 Dove Men+Care Hair Care Product or Hair Styling Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

Dove Shave Gel, $2.49

Dr. Teal’s Bath Salts, $3.99

Dry Idea Deodorant, $1.99
-$2/2 Dry Idea Antiperspirant Deodorant Products (Kroger Digital Coupon)

EAS Advance Carb Control Shakes, $4.49

EAS Myoplex Original Shake, $4.49 - $9.99

EAS Whey Powder Sachets, $4.49

EAS Whey Protein Powder, $16.99

Edge Shave Gel, $1.99 (double pack $4.49)
-$1/1 Edge/Schick Hydro/Skintimate Shave Gel, 02/21 SS (exp 3/12) [Excludes 2.75-oz.]

Ensure Active High Protein Shakes, $5.99
-$2/1 Ensure High Protein, Clear or Light Multipack, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$2/1 Ensure High Protein, Clear or Light Multipack, 02/28 SS (exp 4/24)
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 02/28 SS (exp 4/24) [Multipack]
-$3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]

Ensure Active Light Chocolate or Vanilla Shakes, $7.59
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 02/28 SS (exp 4/24) [Multipack]
-$3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]

Ensure High Protein Shakes, $7.99 - $15.49
-$2/1 Ensure High Protein, Clear or Light Multipack, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$2/1 Ensure High Protein, Clear or Light Multipack, 02/28 SS (exp 4/24)
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 02/28 SS (exp 4/24) [Multipack]
-$3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]

Ensure Plus Shakes, $8.99
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 02/28 SS (exp 4/24) [Multipack]
-$3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]

Ensure Shakes, $6.99
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$2/2 Ensure Multipacks, 02/28 SS (exp 4/24) [Multipack]
-$3/2 Ensure Product printable [Sign up for $3/1 coupons]

Garnier Nutrisse, $6
-$2/1 Garnier Nutrisse or Color Styler, 02/28 RP (exp 3/26)
-$2/1 GARNIER NUTRISSE Hair Color Product

Gillette Deodorant, $2.99 - $6.99
-$1/1 Gillette Clear Gel Deodorant
-$2/2 Gillette Clear Gels, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [2.85-oz.+; ETS]
-$1/1 Gillette Clear Gel, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [2.85-oz.+; ETS]

Gillette Disposable Razors, $5.99 - $7.99
-$2/1 Gillette Male Disposable Razor, 02/07 RP (exp 3/5) [2-ct.+; Excludes Sensor2 2-ct.]
-$1/1 Gillette Sensor Disposable Razor
-$1.50/1 Gillette Sensor 3 Disposable Razor
-$1.50/1 Gillette Custom Plus 3 Razor

Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor, $8.99 - $9.49

Gillette Fusion Shave Preps, $2.79 - $3.99
-$1/1 Gillette Shave Gel, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [5.9-oz.+; ETS]
-$0.50/1 Gillette Shave Gel Printable [5.9-oz.+]
-$0.50/1 Gillette Shave Gel printable

Gillette Razor Cartridges, $14.99 - $39.99

Gillette Satin Care Shave Gel, $1.49
-$0.50/1 Satin Care Shave Gel 5.9 oz
-$1/1 Satin Care/Venus Shave Gel, exp. 3/26/16 (PG 02/28/16) [7-oz.+; ETS]
-$0.50/1 Gillette Shave Gel Printable [5.9-oz.+]

Gillette Venus Olay Shave Gel, $1.99
-$0.75/1 Venus™ Shave Gel (7oz or larger)
-$0.75/1 Venus Shave Gel printable
-$1/1 Gillette Shave Gel, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [5.9-oz.+; ETS]
-$0.50/1 Gillette Shave Gel Printable [5.9-oz.+]

Gillette Venus Razors, $7.99
-$5 off Venus Razor And Blade Refill, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes disposables and trial sizes]
-$2/1 Venus Swirl, Embrace or Olay Razor printable
-$5/2 Venus or Daisy Disposable Razor Packs printable
-$1.50/1 Simply Venus Disposable Razor Pack Printable [4-ct.+]
-$2/1 Venus Swirl, Embrace or Venus & Olay Razor Printable [Excludes disposables]
-$2/1 Venus Disposable Razor Pack Printable [2-ct.+]
-$1.50/1 Venus Original or Spa Razor Printable [Excludes disposables]

Glucerna Advance Vanilla or Chocolate Shakes, 4 pk., $6.59
-$3/2 Glucerna Multipack Shakes, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$3/2 Glucerna Product printable

Glucerna Hunger Smart Shakes, 4 pk., $7.59
-$3/2 Glucerna Multipack Shakes, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$3/2 Glucerna Product printable

Glucerna Mini Snacks Nutrition Bars, 6 ct., $3.09
-$1.50/1 Glucerna Multipack Bar, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$3/2 Glucerna Product printable

Glucerna Shakes, 6 pk., $8.99
-$3/2 Glucerna Multipack Shakes, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$3/2 Glucerna Product printable

Glucerna Snack Shakes, 4 pk., $4.59
-$3/2 Glucerna Multipack Shakes, 01/31 SS (exp 3/27)
-$3/2 Glucerna Product printable

Head & Shoulders Shampoo or Conditioner, $3.99
-$4/2 Head & Shoulders Full Size Products, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [380-ml.; Excludes all treatments and trial sizes]

J.R. Watkins Body Scrub

J.R. Watkins Castle Bar Soap

J.R. Watkins Castle Liquid Soap

J.R. Watkins Hand Cream

J.R. Watkins Liquid Hand Soap

J.R. Watkins Lotion

L’Oreal Eye Defense Cream, $11.99
-$2/1 L'Oreal Paris Skin Care Product printable
-$1/1 L'Oreal Paris Product printable

L’Oreal Futur-e Moisturizer, $8.49
-$2/1 L'Oreal Paris Skin Care Product printable
-$1/1 L'Oreal Paris Product printable

L’Oreal Go 360 Clean Facial Cleaner, $2.99
-$2/1 L'Oreal Paris Skin Care Product printable
-$1/1 L'Oreal Paris Product printable

L’Oreal Ideal Cleansers, $2.99 +
-$2/1 L'Oreal Paris Skin Care Product printable
-$1/1 L'Oreal Paris Product printable

L’Oreal Ideal Daily Moisturizers, $4.99 +
-$2/1 L'Oreal Paris Skin Care Product printable
-$1/1 L'Oreal Paris Product printable

L'Oreal Hair Stylers $2.99

L'Oreal Hair Expertise, $4.99
-$2/1 L'Oreal Paris Hair Expertise Product

L'Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare Treatment Product, $4.99
-$3/1 L’Oreal Paris® Advanced Haircare Treatment Product

L'Oreal Shampoo & Conditioner $2.99 - $4.99

Maybelline Cosmetics, $2.19 +
-$3/1 Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara (No More Than 4 Identical Coupons Can be Used for the Same Product Per Household Per Day) - 02-28-16 RP
-$1/1 Maybelline New York Liner or Shadow Product, Any (No More Than 4 Identical Coupons Can be Used for the Same Product Per Household Per Day - 02-28-16 RP
-$2/1 Maybelline New York Master Contour Kit Or Face Studio Product, Any (No More Than 4 Identical Coupons Can be Used for the Same Product Per Household Per Day) - 02-28-16 RP
-$1/1 Maybelline New York Lip Product, Any (Including ColorSensational) (Cannot be Redeemed On Baby Lips) (No More Than 4 Identical Coupons Can be Used for the Same Product Per Household Per Day) - 02-07-16 RP (exp 3/5)

Metamucil Fiber Supplement, Powder or Capsules, $15.99
-$1/1 Meta Product
-$1/1 Meta Product printable

Natural Instincts Hair Color, $6
-$2/1 Clairol Natural Instincts Crema Keratina Haircolor, 02/07 RP (exp 3/5) [ETS]
-$2/1 Clairol Natural Instincts Hair Color, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]

Nice’n Easy Hair Color, $6
-FREE Clairol Root Touch-Up wyb Nice 'N Easy Hair Color, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Up to $6.99; Excludes age defy, natural instincts, balsalm and textures & tones; ETS]

Nice’n Easy or Age Defy Hair Color, $6
-FREE Clairol Root Touch-Up wyb Nice 'N Easy Hair Color, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Up to $6.99; Excludes age defy, natural instincts, balsalm and textures & tones; ETS]

Nice’n Easy Root Touch-Up, $6
-FREE Clairol Root Touch-Up wyb Nice 'N Easy Hair Color, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Up to $6.99; Excludes age defy, natural instincts, balsalm and textures & tones; ETS]

Olay Cleaners, $3.99 +
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer OR Cleanser
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Olay Facial Cleanser or Moisturizer printable

Olay Quench Moisturizer, $3.99
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer OR Cleanser
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Olay Facial Cleanser or Moisturizer printable

Olay Regenerist Cleanser, $5.49+
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer OR Cleanser
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Olay Pro-X Regenerist or Total Effects Facial Cleanser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Olay Facial Cleanser or Moisturizer printable

Olay Regenerist Moisturizer, $18.99 +
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer OR Cleanser
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$2/1 Olay Pro-X or Regenerist Facial Moisturizer or Facial Hair Removal Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Olay Facial Cleanser or Moisturizer printable

Olay Total Effects, $5.49 +
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer OR Cleanser
-$1/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer or Facial Cleanser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Olay Facial Cleanser or Moisturizer printable

Old Spice or Secret Deodorant, $2.99 - $6.99
-$1.10/1 Old Spice Antiperspirant/Deodorant
-$1/1 Old Spice Product, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$2/2 Old Spice Products, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1.10/1 Old Spice Anti-Pespirant/Deodorant printable

Old Spice Hair Care, $2.99
-$4/2 Old Spice Shampoo, 2-In-1 or Styling Products, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]

Oral-B Floss Picks, $1.49
-$0.75/1 Oral-B Glide Floss OR Floss Picks
-$0.50/1 Oral-B Glide Floss or Glide Floss Picks, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [35-m.+ or 30-ct.+; ETS]
-$0.75/1 Oral-B Glide Floss or Oral-B Glide Floss Picks printable [30-ct.+ or 35-m.+]
-$5/$20 3D White or Pro-Health, Crest and Oral-B Products Includes: Toothpaste, Manual Toothbrushes, Floss and Mouthwash (SavingStar Deposit) [Excludes Kids and Juniors Products]

Oral-B Pro-Health Proflex Toothbrush, $2.99
-$0.75/1 Oral-B Adult Manual Toothbrush
-$0.50/1 Oral-B Adult or Kids Manual Toothbrush, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Excludes healthy clean and trial]
-$1/1 Oral-B Adult or Kids Manual Toothbrush, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes healthy clean and trial sizes]
-$1.25/1 Oral-B Manual Toothbrush 3D White, Pro-Health or Complete, 02/14 RP (exp 3/12) [Twin pack; Excludes cavity defense, healthy clean, indicator and trial size]
-$0.75/1 Crest Kids Oral-B Pro-Health Stages Toothbrush printable

Pantene, $2.99 - $3.99
-$5/3 Pantene, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes 6.7-oz. and trial sizes]
-$1.50/1 Pantene Styler or Treatment Product, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$2/2 Pantene, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes 6.7-oz. and trial sizes]

Playtex Tampons
-$1/1 Playtex Sport Tampons printable [14-ct.+]

Ponds Towelettes, $3.99

Prilosec OTC, 14 ct.
-$5/2 Prilosec OTC 42 ct. Products
-$1/1 Prilosec Otc Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$2.50/1 Prilosec OTC Digestion, Nausea & Antacids printable

Q-Tips, 75 ct.

Right Guard Total Defense 5 or Xtreme Deodorant, $1.99
-$1/1 Right Guard Antiperspirant Deodorant, 02/07 RP (eep 3/7) [Excludes sport]
-$2.50/3 Right Guard Xtreme Antiperspirant Deodorant (Kroger Digital Coupon)

Right Guard Body Wash, $2.49
-$1/1 Right Guard Body Wash, 02/07 RP (exp 3/7)
-$2/2 Right Guard Body Wash Products (Kroger Digital Coupon)

Schick Hydro 3 Razor Refill, $8.99
-$2/1 Schick Hydro Refill, 02/21 SS (exp 3/12) [Excludes women's products an disposables]

Schick Hydro 5 Groomer, $10.49
-$4/1 Schick Hydro Razor, 02/21 SS (exp 3/12) [Excludes women's products and disposables]

Schick Hydro 5 Razor or Refills, $8.99
-$2/1 Schick Hydro Refill, 02/21 SS (exp 3/12) [Excludes women's products an disposables]
-$4/1 Schick Hydro Razor, 02/21 SS (exp 3/12) [Excludes women's products and disposables]

Schick Hydro Silk Razor or Refills, $8.99

Schick Intuition Razor or Refills, $7.99

Schick Quattro Disposable Razors, $5.69
-$3/1 Schick Disposable Pack
-$7/2 Schick Disposable Packs
-$2/1 Schick Quattro Disposable Razor Pack, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6)

Schick Quattro Men’s or Women’s Razors, $6.99
-$2/1 Schick Intuition or Quattro for Women Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes disposables and men's razors or refills]
-$2/1 Schick Quattro for Men Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes Disposables and Women's razors or refills]

Schick Quatro Razor Refills, $8.29 +
-$2/1 Schick Intuition or Quattro for Women Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes disposables and men's razors or refills]
-$2/1 Schick Quattro for Men Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes Disposables and Women's razors or refills]

Schick Quatro Titanium Razors, Value Pack, $5.69
-$2/1 Schick Intuition or Quattro for Women Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes disposables and men's razors or refills]
-$2/1 Schick Quattro for Men Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes Disposables and Women's razors or refills]

Schick Quatro Titanium Razors, Value Pack Refill
-$2/1 Schick Intuition or Quattro for Women Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes disposables and men's razors or refills]
-$2/1 Schick Quattro for Men Razor or Refill, 02/07 SS (exp 3/6) [Excludes Disposables and Women's razors or refills]

Schick Slim Trim Sensitive Disposable Razor, $5.49
-$3/1 Schick Disposable Pack
-$7/2 Schick Disposable Packs

Scope Mouthwash, 500 ml.
-$0.75/1 Scope Mouthwash
-$0.50/1 Scope Mouthwash printable [237-ml.+]
-$1.75/2 Scope Mouthwashes printable [237-ml.+]
-$0.75/1 Scope Mouthwash printable [237-ml.+]

Simple Facial Moisturizer, $9.99

Simple Facial Wash, $5.99

Simple Facial Wipes, $4.49

Skintimate Shave Gel, $1.99 (twin pack - $4.49)
-$1/1 Edge/Schick Hydro/Skintimate Shave Gel, 02/21 SS (exp 3/12) [Excludes 2.75-oz.]

Sonicate 2 Series Plaque Control Toothbrush, $48.99

Sonicate PowerUp Toothbrush, Spearmint, $8.99

Stayfree Pads
-$1/1 Stayfree Product printable
-$2/2 Stayfree® Products

St. Ives Body Wash, $1.49 or Lotion, $3.99

Suave Body Wash 12 0z, $0.99
-$0.50/1 Suave Body Wash Product, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [ETS]
-$0.50/1 Suave Body Wash Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

Suave Lotion, $1.99
-$0.75/1 Suave Body Lotion 10 oz. or larger

Superman or Batman Crazy Foam, $2.99

Tena Adult Incontinence Pads, 30-50 ct., $11.49
-$1/1 Tena Serenity (Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$1/1 Tena Product printable

TRESemme Hair Spray, $3.99
-$1/1 Tresemme Styling Product, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [ETS]
-$1/1 Tresemme Styling Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

TRESemme Hair Styler, $2.99
-$1/1 Tresemme Styling Product, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [ETS]
-$1/1 Tresemme Styling Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

TRESemme Shampoo or Conditioner 28 oz, $2.99 - $3.99
-$1/1 Tresemme Shampoo or Conditioner Product, 02/28 RP (exp 3/19) [ETS]
-FREE Tresemme Beauty-Full Volume Shampoo wyb Beauty-Full Volume Conditioner, 02/28 RP (exp 3/13) [ETS; Up to $5.99]
-$1/1 Tresemme Shampoo or Conditioner Product (SavingStar Deposit) [ETS]

Tone Body Wash, $2.49
-$1/1 Dial, Dial For Kids, Dial Baby, Dial Acne, Dial For Men or Tone Body Wash; Dial Advanced or Bar Soap; or Dial or Dial For Men Lotion, exp. 3/5/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2) [12-oz.+ body wash or lotion; 6-ct.+ bars]

Vidal Sassoon Hair Color, $8.99
-$3/1 Vidal Sassoon Salonist Hair Color, exp. 3/12/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes pro-series hair color, shampoo, conditioner and styling products; ETS]
-$2/1 Clairol Age Defy Haircolor or Vidal Sassoon Pro-Series Hair Color, 02/07 RP (exp 3/5) [ETS]
-$3/1 Vidal Sassoon Salonist Hair Color printable

Village Naturals Milk Bath, $2.49

Village Naturals Therapy, $2.99

Zantac, $7.29
-$3/1 Zantac 150 printable [24-ct.+]
-$3/1 Zantac Product (SS 01/03/16) [24-ct.+; Limit 1]

Zzzquil Sleep Aid
-$1/1 ZzzQuil Product
-$1/1 Zzzquil Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$1/1 Vicks Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes vapodrops and zzzquil; ETS]
-$1/1 Zzzquil Sleep & Snoring Aids printable
-$1/1 Zzzquil Sleep & Snoring Aids printable
-$1/1 ZzzQuil (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; 12-oz. bottle]


Airwick Aroma Sphere $3.99

Airwick Freshmatic Refills, $3.99

Airwick Twin Oil Refills, $3.99

Bounce Burst Beads 15 uses, $3.99
-$1/1 Bounce Bursts

Bounce Dryer Sheets, $3.49

Bounty Paper Towels, Select Varieties, 6 Big or 8 Regular Rolls, $4.99 - $13.99
-$0.25/1 Bounty Paper Towels

Bounty Napkins, $1.99
-$0.25/1 Bounty Napkins
-$0.25/1 Bounty Napkins printable

Carbona Carpet Cleaner, $4.99

Cascade ActionPacs 11 - 20 ct or Detergent 75 oz, $2.99
-$0.50/1 Cascade Product
-$1/1 Cascade Dish Detergent AND 1 Rinse Aid
-$0.50/1 Cascade Product Printable [ETS]
-$1 off Cascade Dish Detergent AND Rinse Aid Product printable

Charmin Bathroom Tissue, Select Varieties, 6 Mega Rolls, $4.99 - $13.99
-$0.35/1 Charmin Ultra Soft or Strong
-$0.25/1 Charmin Basic 4ct or larger
-$0.25/1 Charmin Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$0.50/1 Bounty/Charmin Basic Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]

Charmin Freshmates Refill, $4.99
-$0.25/1 Charmin Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]
-$0.50/1 Bounty/Charmin Basic Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]

Chinet Plates, Platters or Cups, $1.99 - $10.99
-$1/1 Chinet Branded Products printable

Clorox Bleach Gel Spray
-$1/2 Clorox® Products

Clorox Clean-Up, $2.49
-$1/2 Clorox® Products

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, $2.99
-$1/2 Clorox® Products

Clorox Pump 'N Clean Kitchen or Bathroom Cleaner, $2.59
-$1/2 Clorox® Products
-$0.50/1 Clorox Pump 'N Clean Product, 02/28 SS (exp 4/28)

Clorox Scrub Singles Kitchen or Bathroom Cleaner, $2.59
-$1/2 Clorox® Products
-$0.50/1 Clorox Scrubsingles, 02/28 SS (exp 4/28) [4-ct.+]

Dawn Dish Detergent, Select Varieties, 18 to 22 fl oz, $1.89
-$0.25/1 Dawn Product
-$0.25/1 Dawn Product (Kroger Digital Coupon) [ETS]

Downy Fabric Softener, Select Varieties, 48 to 60 Use, $3.49

Downy Unstopables, 15 uses, $3.99
-$1/1 Unstopables™ in-Wash Scent Booster
-$2.50/2 Unstopables products

Energizer Batteries, AA or AAA 12 pk or EcoAdvanced or Ultimate Lithium, $7.49
-$0.55/1 Energizer Max or EcoAdvanced™ batteries
-$1.25/1 Energizer Ecoadvanced, Ultimate Lithium, Advanced Lithium, Recharge Power Plus or Universal Aa/Aaa, 02/28 SS (exp 4/9) [4-ct.+]
-$0.75/1 Energizer Batteries or Flashlight, 02/28 SS (exp 4/9)

Febreze Air Effects, Select Varieties, 9.7 oz, $1.99
-$0.75/1 Febreze product
-$0.75/1 Febreze Product printable

Febreze Small Spaces Air Freshener, $1.89
-$0.75/1 Febreze product
-$1/1 Febreze smallSPACES Air Freshener
-$1/1 Febreeze Small Spaces printable

Finish Dishwashing Cleaner, $3.29
-$0.50/1 Finish Jet Dry Rinse Aid, Machine Cleaner or Detergent Booster, 02/07 SS (exp 3/12) [Limit 2]

Finish Dishwashing Detergent Gel or Powder, $2.99
-$1/1 Finish Quantum Max or Powerball, 02/07 SS (exp 3/12) [Limit 2]

Finish Hard Water Detergent Booster, $4.64

Finish Jet-Dry Rinse Aid, $2.59
-$0.50/1 Finish Jet Dry Rinse Aid, Machine Cleaner or Detergent Booster, 02/07 SS (exp 3/12) [Limit 2]

Gain Fabric Softener or Sheets, $3.99
-$0.50/1 Gain Fabric Enhancer Product

Gain Laundry Detergent, Liquid, Select Varieties, 46 to 50 fl oz, $4.99
-$0.50/1 Gain Laundry Detergent Product
-$2/1 Gain Detergent printable

Glad Cling Wrap, $1.69

Glad Trash Bags, Select Varieties, 15 to 80 ct, $6.99
-$1/1 Glad® with Clorox® Trash Bags (23ct. and higher)
-$1/1 Glad Odorshield With Febreze Trash Bag, 01/03 SS (exp 4/3) [13-gal. drawstring bag; Limit 2]

Glade Candles, $2.49
-$1/2 Glade Candles, 02/07 SS (exp 3/20) [3.4-oz. small jar]
-$1.50/2 Glade, 02/07 SS (exp 3/20) [8-oz.]
-$1/2 Glade Jar Candle (Ibotta Deposit) [Any scent; 3.4-oz. jar only]

Glade Wax Melts, $2.24
-$1/2 Glade Wax Melts Refills, 02/07 SS (exp 3/20) [6-ct.; Excludes warmer]
-$3/1 Glade Wax Melts Warmer, 02/07 SS (exp 3/20)
-$1/2 Glade Wax Melts printable
-$2/1 Glade Wax Melt Warmer (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; 1 ct. box]

Home Sense Foam Plates, 150 ct, $2.99

Kingsford Charcoal, $11.99

Kroger HomeSense Foam Plates

Lime-A-Way Bathroom Cleaner, $2.99

Lysol Disinfectant Spray, $6.29
-$0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Spray
-$1 off Lysol Disinfectant Spray And Disinfecting Wipes, 02/21 SS (exp 3/22) [12.5-oz.+ spray AND 35-ct.+ wipes; Limit 2]
-$0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Spray printable

Method Liquid Hand Soap or Refills, $1.99

Morton System Saver Pellets

Mr Clean Liquid Gel, $2.19
-$0.75/1 Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle, Liquid or Spray, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [ETS]

Mr Clean Magic Eraser, $1.99 - $2.99
-$0.75/1 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power Printable [ETS]
-$0.75/1 Mr Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power printable
-$0.50/1 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes 1-ct. and trial sizes]

Mr Clean Magic Eraser Bath Scrub, $2.29
-$0.50/1 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes 1-ct. and trial sizes]
-$0.75/1 Mr Clean Magic Eraser Bath or Kitchen Scrubber printable
-$0.75/1 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath or Kitchen Scrubber Printable [ETS]

Pine-Sol Cleaner, $0.79

Pledge Floor Cleaner, $2.49
-$1/1 Pledge Floor Care product

Pledge Furniture Polish, $3.19
-$0.50/1 Pledge Furniture Care

Pledge Wipes, $2.59
-$0.50/1 Pledge Furniture Care

Pledge Wood Floor Cleaner, $3.69
-$1/1 Pledge Floor Care product

Purex Crystal Scent Boosters, $1.99
-$2/2 Purex Crystals In-Wash Fragrance Boosters (Kroger Digital Coupon) [18-oz.; Excluding ScentSplash]
-$2/2 Purex Crystals In-Wash Fragrance Boosters printable [18-oz.; Excludes ScentSplash]

Purex Laundry Detergent, $4.99 (100 loads) $10.99 (200 loads)

Puffs Facial Tissue, Select Varieties, 3 pk, $3.99
-$0.25/1 Puffs Printable [Excludes Puffs To-Go and trial/travel size]
-$0.50/1 Puffs Softpack Printable [1-ct.+; ETS]
-$0.25/1 Puffs Product, exp. 3/26/16 (P&G 02/28/16) [Excludes to go and trial sizes]
-$0.50/1 Puffs Softpack Tissues printable
-$0.35/1 Puffs Product printable

Resolve Prewash Refill or Spray, $3.49
-$0.50/1 Resolve Stain Remover or High Traffic Foam Product, 01/03 SS (exp 3/3) [Limit 2]

Scrubbing Bubbles Cleaner, $1.69 +
-$1/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Cleaning
-$1.50/2 Scrubbing Bubbles All Purpose Cleaner
-$1/1 Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaner

Spray 'n Wash, $0.99

Suavitel Fabric Softener, $5.99

Tide or Gain Laundry Detergent, Liquid, Select Varieties, 46 to 50 fl oz, $4.99
-$1/1 Tide Detergent 37oz or larger
-$2/1 Tide Detergent printable [37-oz.+]
-$1/2 Tide Detergent printable [37-oz.+]
-$2/3 Tide Detergent printable [37-oz.+]
-$0.50/1 Tide Detergent printable [37-oz.+]

Tide Pods or Gain Flings, Select Varieties, 12 to 16 ct, $3.99
-$1/1 Tide Detergent 37oz or larger
-$3/1 Tide Pods (Kroger Digital Coupon) [Excludes trial/travel size and 5ct.]
-$2/1 Gain Flings or Gain Laundry Detergent (Kroger Digital Coupon) [Excludes trial/travel sizes and 5ct.]
-$2/1 Gain Flings printable
-$2/1 Tide Pods, Gain Flings or Tide Liquid 100 oz. or Larger (Excludes Trial/Travel Size or Tide Simply) (Limit 4 like coupons per day) Tearpad (exp 4/30/2016)
-$2/1 Tide Pods or Liquid Detergent Product (Limit 4 like coupons per day) Tearpad (exp 3/31/2016)

Weiman Wipes, $2.59

Windex Window Cleaner, Refill, $4.59
-$0.50/1 Windex product

Windex Glass Cleaner, Select Varieties, 26 fl oz, $1.99
-$0.50/1 Windex product

Windex Window Cleaner, Wipes, $1.59
-$0.50/1 Windex product

Woolite Laundry Detergent, $6.99
-$1/1 Woolite Detergent, 01/03 SS (exp 3/3) [50-oz., 75-oz. or 100-oz.; Limit 2]
-$1/1 Woolite Laundry Detergent printable [50-oz.+]

Ziploc Food Storage Containers, $1.99
-$1/2 Ziploc brand containers
-$1.50/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
-$1/2 Ziploc Containers, 01/31 SS (exp 3/12)

Ziploc Storage Bags, Select Varieties, 28 to 48 ct, $2.99
-$1/2 Ziploc brand bags
-$1/2 Ziploc brand Slider Bags
-$1.50/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
-$1/2 Ziploc Bags, 01/31 SS (exp 3/12)

Ziploc Value Freezer Storage Bags, $2.99
-$1/2 Ziploc brand bags
-$1/2 Ziploc brand Slider Bags
-$1.50/2 Ziploc Brand Products printable
-$1/2 Ziploc Bags, 01/31 SS (exp 3/12)


Eckrich Dinner Sausage, $1.99

Hillshire Farm Smokies, $1.99
-$0.55/1 Hillshire Farms Lit'l Smokies Cocktail Links Or Smoked Dinner Sausage, Any (DND/T) (Limit One Coupon Per Person/Transaction) - 01-31-16 RP (exp 3/13)

Hormel Sandwich Meats
-$0.50/1 Hormel Natural Choice Deli Sandwich Meat (Kroger Digital Coupon)

Hormel Taco Meats, $4.99

Nathan's Beef Franks
-$1/1 Nathans Famous Cheddar Beef Franks printable
-$1/2 Nathans Famous Beef Franks printable
-$1/1 Nathan's Famous Beef Franks printable
-$1/1 Nathan's Famous 50% Reduced Fat Beef Franks printable

Oscar Mayer Carving Board Lunchmeat, Ham & Chicken, $2.99

Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat, Ham or Chicken, Select Varieties, 8 to 9 oz, $2.49
-$0.75/1 Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Honey Ham, 01/31 SS (exp 3/31)

Oscar Mayer Funpack Lunchables, $1.99
-$1/1 LUNCHABLES with 100% Juice

Oscar Mayer Lunchmeat, $1.99

Oscar Mayer Walking Tacos, $1.49
-$1.50/2 LUNCHABLES UPLOADED Walking Taco

Tyson Grilled Chicken Breast, Chunks or Strips, $1.99
-$0.55/1 Tyson Grilled & Ready Refrigerated Product, exp. 3/6/16 (SS 01/03/16 #2 R) [Limit 1]


Bark thins Chocolate, $2.99

Brad's Raw Chips, $3.99

Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips, $2.99
-$0.55/1 Enjoy Life Product printable

Food Should Taste Good Tortilla Chips 5.5 oz, $1.79
-$1/1 Food Should Taste Good Tortilla Chips, Kettle Chips, Brown Rice printable [4-oz.+]

Justin's Nut Butter, $8.99

Knudsen Just Juice 32 oz, $3.99

Pirate's Booty Puffed Snacks 4 - 4.5 oz, $1.49
-$0.75/1 Pirate's Booty Product, Any 4 Oz. Or Larger
-$0.75/1 Pirate's Booty Product, Any 4 Oz. Or Larger 

PowerBars 6 ct, $4.49 - $7.79

Quorn Meatless Alternatives, $1.99
-$1.50/1 Quorn Meatless & Soy-Free (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; Any size]
-$1/1 Quorn Meat-Free Product printable

Quorn Turkey Roast, $5.49
-$1.50/1 Quorn Meatless & Soy-Free (Ibotta Deposit) [Any variety; Any size]
-$1/1 Quorn Meat-Free Product printable

Zone Perfect Bars, Select Varieties, 5 ct, $3.89
-$1.50/1 ZonePerfect Multicount Box (Kroger Digital Coupon) [5-ct. boxes]
-$2.50/2 Zone Perfect Multipack printable [5-ct.]
-$1/1 Zone Perfect Perfectly Simple Bars printable
-$1/1 Zone Perfect Multipack printable [5-ct.]
-$1/3 Zone Perfect Single Bars or Box printable [5-ct. box]


Abound Dry Cat Food, $5.99

Abound Wet Cat Food

Beyond Dry Cat Food 3.7 - 4 lb, $5.99 - $6.99
-$1.95/1 bag of Purina Beyond dry cat food
-$2/1 Purina Beyond Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 5/30/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2)
-$1.95/1 Purina Beyond Brand Dry Cat Food (Kroger Digital Coupon)
-$1.95/1 Purina Beyond Brand Dry Cat Food printable

Beyond Dry Dog Food, 3.7 lb, $7.49
-$2/1 Purina Beyond Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 5/30/16 (RP 02/14/16 #2)

Blue Dog Treats, $1.99 - $2.49

Fresh Step Cat Litter, $10.99-$11.99
-$1/1 Fresh Step Clumping Litter [7-lb. to 14-lb.]
-$2/1 Fresh Step Clumping Litter  [15-lb.+]
-$1/1 Fresh Step Clumping Litter (Kroger Digital Coupon) [7-lb. to 14-lb.]
-$2/1 Fresh Step Clumping Litter (Kroger Digital Coupon) [15-lb.+]

I and Love You Dry Cat Food 4 lb, $6.99

I and Love You Naked Essentials Dog Food, $6.99

Iams Healthy Natural Dry Dog Food for Large Dogs, Bag, $28.99
-$4/1 IAMS Dry Dog Food Bag albs or larger
-$3/1 Iams Dry Dog Food, 02/28 RP (exp 4/10) [9-lb.+]

Pet Pride Chunk Style Dog Food, $14.99

Pet Pride Dog Food, 50 lb Bag, $14.99

Scoop Away Cat Litter, $5.49


Marie's Salad Dressing, $1.49
-$1/1 Marie's Dressing Printable

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